On January 15th, 2016, a round table discussion was held in Sofia, which focused around topics related to the raising of children with disabilities in a family environment. The event was organized by the “Kids with Developmental Problems” Foundation as part of the implementation of “CHILD – disCuss and sHare famILy neeDs” Project funded by the NGO Program in Bulgaria under the 2009-2014 European Economic Area Financial Mechanism.
The conference room of hotel “Best Western Expo” accommodated more than 60 participants – representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Ministry of Education, the State Agency for Child Protection, the Social Assistance Agency, the People with Disabilities Agency, the Municipality of Sofia as well as NGOs, social services providers, educational institutions, specialists, parents and media.
The main topics discussed included the challenges that families of children with disabilities face, the birth of a second child and the achievement of balanced child-raising approach in the families of a children with disabilities. The project experts shared the research and the analytical report on these topics, gathered throughout the Project, as well as the international practices and their own experience in working with families of children with disabilities.
The round table allowed the participants to debate and they actively expressed their positions, challenges and ideas. The participants united around the view that a new paradigm of the approach towards children with disabilities is needed – one that is centered on policies and support for the families. This view emerged as the main conclusion of the round table discussions.
All participants expressed their positive attitude towards the Project, stating they would like to participate in all future activities, related to it.